Friday, February 8, 2013

Baby Jenetta, Columbia, MO Newborn Photographer

I woke up the morning of Jenetta's photo session a little anxious.  As I sat at my kitchen table sipping my coffee and looking out the window, the roads were covered with snow and ice from the storm the night before. I hoped the Missouri weather would deliver the unexpected and warm up so I wouldn't have to miss meeting Miss Jenetta. I also hadn't been able to do a newborn girl session in quite some time. Seems like everyone is having boys these days, so I was super excited and anxious to be able to photograph a baby girl.  Luckily, the weather cleared up, the snow and ice melted and we were able to make it to Jenetta's home in Lebanon, MO.   We're very excited to feature sweet baby Jenetta on the blog today!




Oh and check out this very cool back drop Katie made out of paint chip color samples!

~ Katie & Melissa

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