Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Ribaudo Family, Columba, MO Portrait Photographer

Julie and her beautiful family traveled all the way from the Lake of the Ozarks for their session. Each kiddo was absolutely so well behaved the entire session!

We actually learned a little trick from this family that we have been sharing with other parents as well. So if you are curious about how to get your children to listen during their photo session, here is one idea you could use: Have some type of surprise ready for them after the session is over, whether it is taking them out for ice cream or to buy a new toy. Tell your children that after the photo session, they will be getting a surprise. Don't tell them what it is - just that there will be a big surprise if they listen to you and the photographers during their session. This has worked every time so far with the parents we have shared it with!

Meet the Ribaudo Family!!

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